About Us

JournalismJobs.com was founded in August 1998 by Dan Rohn and quickly became the go-to resource for restless and out-of-work journalists. Rohn is a former copy editor and business writer with The Washington Post, assistant business editor with America Online, and Washington, D.C.-based stringer for Money Magazine.

A Sample of the Companies Who Have Used Us:

Talking Points Memo, NBC Universal, TheHill.com, Chronicle of Higher Education, Washington Post, Reddit, Newsmax, ESPN, C-Span, CNN, Wall Street Journal, PBS, MSNBC, Newsweek, Boston Globe, New York Times, Reuters, Financial Times, NPR, Bloomberg, Associated Press, Business Week, Forbes Magazine, Fortune, Fast Company, America Online, Wired, Mother Jones, Cosmopolitan, U.S. News & World Report, Reader's Digest, ABCNews.com, TheStreet.com, Discovery Channel, Boston Herald, San Francisco Chronicle, New York Post, PR agencies, trade associations, journalism schools, and newsletter groups.

In the News:

JournalismJobs.com has been mentioned in print, digital and on the air. Here is a sample: NPR, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Hill, Online Journalism Review, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Los Angeles Business Journal, Far Eastern Economic Review, San Francisco Chronicle, Business 2.0, CNET, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Kiplinger, Wired, Business Week, Washington Business Journal, Silicon Alley Reporter, AsianWeek, Washington Business Forward, Interactive Week, Business Wire, Columbia Journalism Review, The Washington Post, Association of Alternative Weeklies, and American Journalism Review.


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